When A Tram Stops, You Stop

Sunday 18 September 2022

Motorists are being urged to drive safely around trams, with the latest figures showing thousands of dangerous near misses are occurring across Melbourne’s tram network each year.  

A new safety campaign launched today warns drivers that when a tram stops, you stop.

There were 2,632 near misses recorded last year despite drivers being required to stop for passengers getting onto and stepping off trams. The campaign reminds motorists that people stepping off the tram could be someone you know.

Victoria is home to the world's largest tram network, with 250 kilometres of double track and more than 500 trams, providing more than 5,000 services every day.

Motorists can play their part by following important road rules when driving around trams:

  • At roadside stops, you must stop behind the tram until the doors close and pedestrians finish crossing.
  • When passengers are getting on and off trams at roadside stops, you must stop behind the end of the tram.
  • Only once the tram doors are closed and the road is clear of pedestrians, may you drive past at 10km/h.

Motorists must be on high alert for passengers using roadside stops and stop their vehicle when a tram stops. Those failing to comply could face an on-the-spot penalty of up to $462 and three demerit points.

For more information about driving safely around our tram network, head to ptv.vic.gov.au and search for ‘driving with trams’.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll

“Seventy-five percent of Melbourne’s tram network is shared with other road users, so motorists must take extra care when behind the wheel, because even low-speed collisions with tram passengers can have fatal consequences.”

“My message to motorists is simple – when a tram stops, you stop.”

Quotes attributable to Yarra Trams CEO Julien Dehornoy

“Every year we see far too many incidents and close calls when a driver fails to stop behind a tram when its doors are open and passengers are boarding or alighting, which is incredibly dangerous.”

“I’m proud to launch this important awareness campaign with the Department of Transport, and we’ll continue to work closely with Victoria Police to ensure those who unlawfully fail to stop for a tram are held accountable for their actions.”

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