Weak Guy Fails Leadership Test On Firefighters’ Slur

Monday 15 May 2017

Liberal Leader Matthew Guy has failed the test of leadership by not sacking his Shadow Minister for Emergency Services Brad Battin, after he made a disgraceful slur against Black Saturday firefighters.

And in an incredible admission, Matthew Guy has told 3AW that he didn’t even bother to find out what his Shadow Minister said before pledging his support:

MATTHEW GUY: Look I think he has made some comments which he has apologised for in relation to Black Saturday.

TOM ELLIOT (PRESENTER): What did he actually say?

MATTHEW GUY: To be honest, I actually haven’t seen the exact transcript. I believe it was in relation to how many firefighters were on the ground at the start of the event, I may be incorrect.

TOM ELLIOT: Surely you have asked him about it?


3AW DRIVE, 15 May 2017

The fact that Matthew Guy has put his full support behind Brad Battin, without even knowing what his Shadow Minister said is extraordinary. It is yet another display of bad judgement by the Liberal Leader who is becoming increasingly desperate and erratic.

To help Matthew Guy, this is what Brad Battin said:

"When we go back to February 2009, the minister should be able to tell us how many career firefighters were on the firefighting ground on 7 February for the first 5 1⁄2 hours of Black Saturday. I can tell the house that it was zero."  Brad Battin, Legislative Assembly, 10 May 2017

The comments are untrue, incredibly hurtful and an insult to all firefighters who served on Black Saturday – a day that claimed the lives of 173 people.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier and Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino

"Matthew Guy has failed the test of leadership – he should have sacked Brad Battin for his disgraceful comments about Black Saturday firefighters."

"That he didn’t even bother to find out what his Shadow Minister said is extraordinary and another slap in the face for our firefighters."

"Matthew Guy’s lack of judgement is there for all to see – he should be backing our firefighters, not standing by the utterly discredited Shadow Minister."