Victoria’s Water Sector Kicking Goals

Friday 3 February 2017

Victoria’s catchment management authorities have had another strong year, delivering healthier waterways and catchments, jobs and more liveable communities right across the state.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville today released the 2015-16 Victorian Catchment Management Authorities Actions and Achievements Report, highlighting the great work done by our 10 catchment management authorities.

The highlights of the report include:

  • 66,093 community members participating in local events
  • 1,387 partnerships established or maintained
  • 956,851 ha of pest animal and weed control – an area 5 times the size of Port Phillip Bay
  • 5,777 ha of vegetation established and maintained
  • 5,011 ha of irrigation infrastructure upgrades and maintenance to improve water efficiency
  • 838 km of fencing – the distance of a road trip from Bairnsdale to Mildura
  • 639 new waterway structures, including the construction of fishways, rock chutes, carp screens or removal of fish barriers.

The year also saw better connections between state, regional and local planning, clearer roles, strengthened accountability and better coordination across the sector.

Across Victoria, 128 Landcare groups and networks contribute around $20 million worth of effort improving the condition of our environment and the sustainability of farming.

The CMAs supported drought affected farmers through the Andrews Labor Government’s Drought Recovery Package with funding to establish Drought Employment Crews in areas worst hit.

They undertook regional climate change adaptation planning to identify priority landscapes and natural resource management actions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

In addition, they have also shown a dedication to building stronger relationships with Aboriginal Victorians, including identifying Aboriginal values and uses of water to help build the capacity of the sector to ensure the involvement of Traditional Owners.

The Labor Government has significantly improved funding to CMAs since coming to office, including a recent  investment of $190 million to implement the new water plan – Water for Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“CMAs play a vital role preparing and implementing regional catchment strategies, and deliver very important services including waterway and floodplain management.”

“The CMAs do great work and I look forward to continuing to deliver healthier catchments for all Victorians.”