Victoria’s First Aboriginal Economic Board Appointed

Friday 24 June 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will establish the state’s first Aboriginal Economic Board to drive job and business opportunities for Aboriginal Victorians.

In the spirit of the self-determination, the Board will bring together Aboriginal community members, businesses, the corporate sector, and government to drive the delivery of the Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy.

The Board will aim to create more job opportunities and make it easier for Aboriginal Victorians to start new businesses, or take existing businesses to the next level.

It will also be responsible for championing the state’s Aboriginal economic development initiatives and advising the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on projects to be delivered under the Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy.

The board will be co-chaired by Karen Milward and Mark Stone.

A proud Yorta Yorta woman, Ms Milward has extensive commerce expertise and experience in working with Aboriginal communities.

She is the chair of five Victorian and national Aboriginal organisations, including Kinaway – the Victorian Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce - and a member of the First Australians Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Mr Stone is the Chief Executive of the Victorian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and a member of the Premier’s Jobs and Investment Panel.

In addition to the co-chairs, the following members have been appointed:

  • Professor Ian Anderson, University of Melbourne
  • John Chambers, Telstra Corporation
  • Jeremy Clark, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations
  • Jeni Coutts, AGL Energy Limited
  • Jill Gallagher, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation
  • Alicia Gleeson, Crown Casino
  • Seona James, Linfox
  • Roger Teale, Lendlease
  • Gary Terrill, Australian Retailers Association

The first meeting of the board was held today.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“The Andrews Labor Government’s Aboriginal economic development agenda is an ambitious and important one.”

“The members have been selected for their exceptional insight and expertise and I look forward to seeing the impact Victoria’s first ever Aboriginal Economic Board will have.”