Victorian Skillaroos Ready To Apply Their Training At Worldskills Brazil

Monday 27 July 2015

Six talented young Victorians are about to jet off to represent Australia at the upcoming Skills Olympics in Brazil.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert today presented team jackets to five of the Victorian ‘Skillaroos’, Hayley Parker (hairdressing), Dylan Di Martino (plumbing), Dale Fisher (graphic design), Karl Davies (automobile technology) and Kelvin Marquand (Manufacturing Team Challenge).

The five Skillaroos will be competing at the WorldSkills 2015 Competition in Sao Paulo from August 11 to 16, alongside fellow Victorian Jyothi Forman (jewellery).

Mr Herbert said being members of the national team was a fantastic achievement, and wished the Victorians well in the competition that will see them apply their skills against tradespeople from more than 70 countries.

Preparing young Victorians of all backgrounds for the jobs of the future is central to the Andrews Labor Government’s plan to build the Education State.

Mr Herbert said the Labor Government was supporting Victorians to develop the skills they need to get the job they want, and possibly go on to compete at the next WorldSkills Championships, through initiatives including:

  • The $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund, which is investing in new facilities and supporting TAFEs to better meet their obligations to the community;
  • $125 million for 10 new Tech Schools to develop job-ready skills that will better connect secondary school students to their futures;
  • $50 million for the TAFE Back to Work Fund to support TAFE institutes to partner with industry to deliver 7000 new apprenticeships and traineeships in growing and emerging industries;
  • The independent VET Funding Review, which is developing a more sustainable and stable funding model to better meet the skills needs of Victorians for the long-term;
  • Implementing all 19 recommendations of the Review of Quality Assurance in Victoria’s VET System to improve training quality and restore student and employer confidence; and
  • More support for apprentices, including half-price vehicle registrations, $3.5 million to continue the Apprenticeship Support Office program for 12 months and setting a target of 10 per cent of the workforce on projects of state significance being reserved for apprentices providing additional employment and training opportunities.

More information about the Skillaroos is available from in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“WorldSkills is a fantastic example of how our training system supports the development of the job-ready skills people need to pursue rewarding careers.”

“Our work to build a better TAFE and Training System for all Victorians, as part of the Education State, will ensure that young people will have every opportunity to get a job.”