Victorian Kids Pedal Their Way To A Healthy And Happy Lifestyle

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is helping Victorian students pedal their way to healthier, happier lives by securing the future of the popular Ride2School Program.

Today, Minister for Sport John Eren joined Member for Tarneit Telmo Languiller and Bellbridge Primary School students on their daily commute, and announced the Hoppers Crossing school is one of 19 across the state awarded a share of $50,000 for projects that support daily active travel.

Schools like Bellbridge Primary School will receive up to $5000 for bike sheds, bike parking or to build ActivePaths, so students can ride safely to school. It means more kids are learning valuable bike safety, and more Victorians are living healthier lives.

Bicycle Network’s Ride2School Program shows Victorian kids there’s no commute quite like an active one, and the Labor Government is ensuring the popular program continues. Minister Eren also announced $2.8 million funding to secure the program for a further four years.

Our kids are our future, so we need to give them every opportunity they deserve, and a healthy and active start to the day is key. By walking, cycling or skating to school, participants are getting their recommended 60 minutes’ daily exercise, and learning healthy habits for later in life.

Only a fifth of Victorian students walk or cycle to school each day, but schools participating in the Ride2School Program have more than double the national average of kids incorporating exercise into their daily commute. They’re improving their confidence, their socialisation skills and their concentration levels at school.

Students should always wear a helmet when riding their bikes, and be aware of others on the roads and footpaths.

For more information about Ride2School visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport John Eren

“The Ride2School Program plays a key role keeping Victorian students healthy and happy and ready for a big day at school. We’re extending it, so that more kids can enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.”

“By incorporating exercise in their daily commute, kids are enjoying the great outdoors and learning healthy habits for later on in life.”

“Our kids are our future, so we need to give them every opportunity they deserve. We’re helping to ensure Victorian students learn important bike safety skills and improve their health and wellbeing.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Tarneit Telmo Languiller

“Bellbridge Primary School students have done a great job making physical activity part of their daily commute. This grant will provide bike parking, so that more pupils can get to school on two wheels.”