Victorian Government Releases Consultation Paper On Redress Scheme And Civil Litigation

Tuesday 4 August 2015

The Victorian Government is seeking community views on the development of a Victorian redress scheme for victims of institutional child abuse.

The Andrews Labor Government is inviting members of the public to have their say following the release of a consultation paper today. The paper explores key issues surrounding a potential Victorian redress scheme for institutional child abuse.

The consultation paper is the next step in the Government’s election commitment to implement all outstanding recommendations from the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government organisations.

The inquiry delivered the Betrayal of Trust report, and one of their recommendations was that the government should consider creating another way for survivors of institutional child abuse to bring claims of abuse against institutions, instead of requiring them to bring their claims to court.

The scheme aims to provide victims with alternative ways to seek justice and it is essential that the Government consults with key stakeholders to develop a redress scheme.

The government invites stakeholders and members of the public to make a submission in response to this paper by Monday 5 October 2015.

The paper is available on the Department of Justice & Regulation website at

The release of the consultation paper does not preclude Victoria’s participation in a national scheme. The Government remains prepared to consult and work with other Australian governments to address the harm of institutional child abuse.

In the interim, the consultation paper will allow Victoria to continue to implement the Betrayal of Trust report recommendations.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“A redress scheme will help recognise the harm caused by institutional child abuse and provide an opportunity for survivors to obtain justice.”

“This consultation paper will ensure the Victorian Government considers the many issues of stakeholders and recommends the most effective way to best support survivors.”

“Victims have often spoken about the trauma associated with going to court, and this scheme will provide them with an alternative approach to obtain justice without pursuing civil litigation.”