Victorian Artisanal Producers On Cloud Nine

Friday 4 May 2018

Victorian artisanal producers will be better off with the Andrews Labor Government today officially launching the artisanal agriculture and premium food program.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford joined Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas at Cloud 9 Artisan Cheese in Pipers Creek today to announce the $2 million program – which will help grow Victoria’s high-value and emerging artisanal agriculture and premium food industry.

Support for the sector announced in the Victorian Budget 2018/19 will increase market opportunities for high-quality, high-value produce, and strengthen Victoria’s regional food offerings, delivering flow-on benefits for jobs and tourism.

The program will include an Industry Development Plan for the artisanal agriculture and premium food sector in Victoria, a grants program to support business growth, and biosecurity and industry support services tailored to the needs of the sector.

Agriculture Victoria is researching this diverse sector to identify opportunities for sector growth, and help define where funding support will best advantage producers.

Throughout June and July, there will be a series of forums with premium food producers and industry groups to survey the sector’s needs and identify key opportunities for business growth, industry development and increased connectivity to services.

The forums will be held at nine locations across the state – Mildura, Timboon, Woodend, Avenel, Beechworth, Meeniyan, Mornington, Bendigo, and Daylesford.

The artisanal agriculture and premium food program will complement support that will be provided to artisanal producers navigating the Labor Government’s land use planning reforms, which will be announced soon.

Quotes attributable to Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford

Victoria is home to the very best produce and it’s time for the world to taste it.”

“The artisanal agriculture and premium food program will support the vibrancy and diversity of Victoria’s agricultural landscape by helping businesses and producers grow.

Quote attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“There’s no better place to launch this game-changer than right here in the Macedon region. We are spoilt for choice with some of the best produce and with this initiative to get more local food on our plates.”