Victoria Takes Lead On Air Quality Standards

Friday 26 August 2016

The Andrews Labor Government has introduced stronger air quality standards to better protect the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.

Victoria is adopting a nation-leading standard for limiting larger particles in our air known as PM10 air pollution – which can typically include dust from roads and particles associated with construction activities.

Victoria is also adopting a nationally agreed standard for limits on very fine pollution particles – or PM2.5 – such as those emitted from car exhausts, power plants and burning wood.

Both types of pollution can cause respiratory problems because the pollution particles are easily inhaled.

Tighter air quality controls for PM10 enhance Victoria’s nation-leading credentials on air quality control and will lead to better health outcomes across the state.

The Environment Protection Authority Victoria will monitor and report against these new standards, with results set to inform the government’s future policy formulation and regulation.

The new standard is consistent with the World Health Organization guidelines.

Victoria is also leading separate work to review the national ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide standards.

The review will consider new evidence on the health effects of these air pollutants and is supported through funding from the Australian Government, with contributions from states and territories.

The changes meet a key recommendation of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry, that Victoria takes on a leading role advocating for national compliance for PM2.5 standards.

The Government continues to work towards implementing all 32 recommendations of the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We’re setting the standard for the nation. There’s clear evidence that adopting these standards will help us protect the Victorian community from chronic health issues, especially respiratory outcomes.”

“The Andrews Labor Government puts the health of Victorians above everything else – that’s why we’re determined to do as much as we can to fight air pollution.”