Victoria Launches First Family Violence Workforce Census

Monday 10 April 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has launched a landmark survey of the Victorian family violence workforce, as the Victorian Government gets on with planning its first ever Family Violence Industry Plan.

Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings announced today that the census is now open, with workers across community services, health, justice and education all invited to participate and have their say.

The survey follows a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, which highlighted a lack of information about Victoria’s existing family violence and related workforce.

The workforce census seeks to address this knowledge gap by collecting data from across the range of workforces that play a role in preventing, identifying and responding to family violence.

Information gathered in the census will inform the development of Victoria’s first ever 10 Year Family Violence Industry Plan, which will be delivered in December 2017.

The industry plan will provide a systematic approach to workforce planning and development, and will address crucial issues of workforce capability, health and wellbeing, and career pathways.

The survey has been developed in consultation with family violence practitioners and groups, service providers, trade unions and workers. The project is supported by Domestic Violence Victoria and the Victorian Council of Social Service.

The Victorian Government getting on with implementing all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The workforce census is open until 5 May 2017 at

Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings

“Our first ever family violence workforce census is a great opportunity for our dedicated and skilled workers to have their say and ensure we are best placed to keep women and children safe.“

“The results of the landmark survey will help us plan for the future and deliver the skilled workforce needed to help put an end to family violence.“

Quotes attributable to Domestic Violence Victoria CEO Fiona McCormack

“The census is a huge opportunity for our sector. It’s a chance to collect data we’ve never had on the family violence workforce.”

“The census will provide robust evidence of the challenges this sector faces, which will be critical in building and supporting our workforce for the next ten years and beyond.”