Victoria Calls For National Ban On Powdered Alcohol

Tuesday 30 June 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is calling on the Abbott Government to follow Victoria’s lead and ban powdered alcohol to prevent harm and misuse.

The Victorian ban on powdered alcohol came into effect today, 1 July 2015, but the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Jane Garrett, said there needed to be a national approach to the dangerous substance.

Other states have backed the call, with Western Australia, Queensland, ACT, Tasmania and South Australia supporting Victoria in its push for a nationally consistent approach to the product.

Ms Garrett wrote to the Commonwealth in March voicing concerns that overseas manufacturers will try to launch the powdered substance labelled ‘Palcohol’ in Australia in the coming months.

Ms Garrett said governments had an obligation to make sure dangerous products were not available to young people.

While the substance may be regarded as a novelty among young people, it has the potential of being misused and could be consumed in unsafe and inappropriate ways.

Created in the United States, Palcohol is a powdered form of alcohol that needs water, juice or soda to create a spiked drink.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Jane Garrett

“Powdered alcohol is a recipe for disaster. We’ve taken action to keep this dangerous substance out of Victoria. We’re leading the way.”

“We wrote to the Abbott Government in March seeking a national ban on powdered alcohol.”

“The Andrews Labor Government believes in a safe and responsible drinking culture. This ban will protect Victorians from alcohol-related harm.”