Victoria And Yogyakarta Move To Strengthen Friendship

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Premier Daniel Andrews was joined by the Sultan of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, His Excellency Hamengku Buwono the tenth, today in Melbourne to witness the signing of a letter of intent to strengthen the relationship between Yogyakarta Special Region, the Republic of Indonesia and Victoria.

The letter is an important first step towards a Memorandum of Understanding to expand cooperation between the two regions, particularly in the arts and education.

Yogyakarta is a hub for culture and arts in Indonesia and Victoria’s arts sector is already engaged with the region.

Indonesia is Victoria’s ninth largest export partner and Indonesian investment in Victoria is increasing. The number of Indonesian tourists visiting Victoria is growing at around seven per cent each year. Thousands of Indonesian students are enrolled with Victorian education providers.

Indonesia’s economy is expected to grow from the 16th largest economy in the world to the 7th largest by 2030.

A range of partnerships between Victoria and Yogyakarta already exist, including agreements between universities and cultural institutions as well as arts and student exchanges.

Most Victorians who have been awarded a Victorian Government Hamer Scholarship to study Indonesian language and culture in Indonesia have chosen to undertake their studies in Yogyakarta.

Quotes attributable to the Premier Daniel Andrews

“The signing of this Letter of Intent is a reflection of Victoria’s commitment to cultural, social and economic engagement with Yogyakarta, and Indonesia more broadly.”

“This agreement will strengthen relationships between our peoples and increase understanding at all levels of our two societies.”

“We recognise the importance of Indonesia on the world stage, and the strong relationship that Victoria and Indonesia share, which is set to grow further.”