Vicky Drives Her Message Home To Parliament

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Vicky the Values Truck is on the move, taking her message of social cohesion to the steps of the Victorian Parliament.

The interactive mobile learning hub, promoting the ‘Victorian. And proud of it.’ campaign, will park at Parliament from 11.00am to 3.00pm today.

Following her successful launch last month, Vicky has been travelling the state, spreading messages of inclusion, contribution and belonging to all Victorians.

She’s also promoting our shared values under the Victorian Values Statement.

Vicky is expected to welcome more than 75,000 people on-board over the next two years, and reach more than 1.5 million Victorians through her travels and events.

While on-board, visitors can experience the stories of real Victorians using Virtual Reality headsets, learn about the campaign and understand the Victorian Values Statement.

Visitors also have the opportunity to take a picture or film a 30 second video in the interactive photo and video booth, and share how they contribute to a cohesive Victoria at work, school, home or in the community.

Members of the public are welcome to come on board to take part in the Vicky experience.

For more information visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“Victoria is proudly multicultural and inclusive – and we must never forget the values that bind us together.”

“Vicky the Truck is on the move. She’ll reach more than a million people in her travels, while tens of thousands of Victorians will jump on-board to learn about Victorian values.”

“By having her on the steps of Parliament today, we’re showing exactly what Victoria stands for.”