Uniforms Influence Girls’ Participation In Sport

Friday 26 February 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is encouraging sporting clubs and schools to consider the findings of a new study that highlights the importance of uniforms in making girls feel comfortable and more likely to participate in sport.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence today launched the study by Victoria University, which was supported by a $20,000 Change Our Game research grant.

The study examines the role that uniforms play in increasing the confidence of girls to participate in sport and physical activity.

The findings also provide valuable insights into adolescent girls’ views on what aspects of sport uniforms make them feel confident and comfortable to play sport.

More than 300 Victorian girls aged between 12 and 18 completed the study survey – the findings produced some consistent feedback regarding current sport uniform options and what types of clothing options they prefer.

The key characteristics identified were:

  • Uniforms that make girls feel ready for sport
  • Clothing that fits them well
  • Dark coloured shorts/skirts/pants
  • Uniforms made from appropriate materials
  • No unisex clothing
  • Options that do not make girls feel over-exposed.

The research highlights the type of sports uniforms available to girls when deciding to play sport is a critical factor when it comes to them feeling confident about being active.

The Change Our Game Research Grant program is part of the broader $7.2 million Change Our Game initiative aimed at levelling the playing field for women and girls in sport and recreation.

For more information about the Change Our Game Research Grant Program and this study visit


Quotes attributable to Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence

“Sports uniforms are an important factor when it comes to participation and retention of girls in sport and physical activity.”

“This research will help guide decision-makers at community clubs and schools, providing valuable insight into what aspects of sports uniforms are important to girls and how some uniform options could be a barrier to participation.”

Quote attributable to Professor Clare Hanlon from the Institute Health and Sport at Victoria University

“These findings are for the benefit of girls in Victoria to enable them to feel comfortable, confident and ready to play sport knowing they are wearing uniforms designed for girls that are the right colour and fit, and are functional.”