Turnbull Slashes TAFE To Give Big Business A Tax Cut

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Malcolm Turnbull has slashed funding to TAFE in Victoria by delivering an $80 billion tax cut to big business in a move that will hurt students and Victorian jobs.

The Federal Budget confirms Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals have taken an axe to TAFE, slashing over $200 million from TAFE, skills and training across the country – which is at least a $60 million cut to Victorian students.

Here in Victoria, we know what happens when the Liberals cut funding for TAFE. Campuses close, teachers lose their jobs and students miss out on the opportunity to get a good, secure job.

While Malcolm Turnbull cuts, we’re making the investments needed to rebuild TAFE – repairing the damage inflicted by four years of cuts and neglect under the former state Liberal Government.

To make sure Victorians can get the skills they need for good, secure jobs building our state and caring for our community, the Victorian Budget 2018/19 gives Victorians every tool they need to undertake a quality, accredited TAFE qualification.

To help remove cost as a barrier to training, the Andrews Labor Government is delivering $172 million to make 30 priority TAFE courses and 18 pre-apprenticeship courses free, with no tuition fees.

We’re supporting more Victorians to access the training they need, with $303.8 million to create more than 30,000 new training places.

We’re also modernising apprenticeships, with $43.8 million to revamp learning materials, ensure consistent industry standards with new independent assessments, and bring back trade papers to recognise these qualifications.

The contrast couldn’t be clearer – while Labor invests in TAFE and our kids’ future, all the Liberals do is cut.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

“They're cutting taxes for the big banks and cutting TAFE, schools and hospitals for working families. This sure is a Liberal Budget.”

“Malcolm Turnbull is giving big business an $80 billion tax cut at the expense of hardworking Victorian students and TAFEs.”

“We’re rebuilding TAFE after four years of Liberal cuts – reopening and upgrading campuses across the state and supporting students to get the training and skills they need to get a good secure job.”