Thousands Of Victorian Students Get Uni And TAFE Offers

Monday 18 January 2016

Students across Victoria are today celebrating receiving offers to attend university and TAFE.

Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) data published today shows that more than 57,200 students received main round offers for undergraduate courses today. In addition, VTAC has already issued 8,400 early round offers.

Acting Minister for Training and Skills and Minister for Education James Merlino congratulated all students who had received an offer but added that those who did not receive the offers they want should not despair.

He said these students could wait for subsequent rounds of VTAC offers, change their VTAC preferences or approach their preferred institution directly.

Mr Merlino reminded students that they could also speak to their local TAFE about options available to them, including courses not listed with VTAC, and pathways from TAFE courses into university degrees.

TAFE institutes offer high quality courses leading to many careers. The Andrews Labor Government is investing heavily in TAFE, including through the $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund. New facilities and campuses are being established, and TAFEs’ are being supported to provide the services and courses that Victorians’ need to get a job.

The Labor Government is committed to transforming Victoria’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) system and building the Education State. Over the past year it has:

  • agreed to implement a sustainable funding model which prioritises quality training that leads to jobs
  • opened Skills and Jobs Centres across the state which will be the first port-of-call for students looking to start training, workers needing to reskill, unemployed workers needing support for retraining, and for employers
  • undertaken a quality blitz and strengthened requirements to ensure the quality of training providers that have a Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) contract with the Victorian Government.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Training and Skills and Minister for Education, James Merlino

“I congratulate all students who have received an offer from a university or TAFE course. This is a new chapter in your education and training journey, and I wish you all the best.”

“There are many paths to a great career. If you haven’t received your ideal offer, remember that there are plenty of options including TAFE, apprenticeships and traineeships. Persistence will always pay off in the end.”

“We’re building the Education State, investing in our education and training system, including TAFE, so Victorians can get the skills they need for the jobs and futures that they want.”