Thousands Contribute To Creative Consultation

Saturday 18 July 2015

Thousands of Victorians have shared their vision for Victoria’s creative future, contributing to the development of the State’s first creative industries strategy.

During a five week open consultation process, over a thousand people – from within the creative industries and the public - took part in state-wide workshops that explored the challenges and opportunities facing Victoria’s creative and cultural industries. Over 8,500 people also participated online, contributing to hundreds of ideas.

Themes to come out of the consultation included the value of collaboration across disciplines, the need to invest in new ideas, research and development, the importance of arts education, and putting diversity and inclusion at the heart of the new strategy.

The Creative Industries Taskforce, led by Melbourne University Publishing CEO Louise Adler, will now work to develop a draft strategy that will be presented to the Government by the end of the year.

The Andrews Labor Government is making sure all Victorians benefit from a strong and vibrant creative culture that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our community.

The strategy will also build on the significant contribution the creative industries make to creating jobs and building on Victoria’s global reputation as the creative state.

Victoria’s creative industries currently contribute almost $23 billion to the State’s economy and support over 200,000 jobs.

To stay up to date with the strategy development process visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Creative Industries Martin Foley

“Thank you to the thousands of Victorians who enthusiastically voiced their ideas – these insights will form a vital part of Victoria’s strong cultural and creative future.

“The Andrews Labor Government is proud to develop Victoria’s first creative industries strategy. Thousands of Victorians have contributed ideas that will strengthen our leading reputation as the creative state.”

“Creativity and culture are an important part of what makes Victoria great - they enrich our society and strengthen our communities, and are a key part of growing jobs and creating a vibrant state.”

Quotes attributable to Chair of the Creative Industries Taskforce Louise Adler

 “Over the past five weeks we’ve witnessed a passionate and generous public conversation between artists and arts organisations across every imaginable art form in regional and urban centres across Victoria.


“The willingness to collectively imagine a future in which artists are honoured, arts organisations of every variety are sustainable and the next generation of audiences are nurtured has been an inspiring process for the Taskforce and I hope for everyone who has participated.”


“Our challenge now is to develop a strategy that harnesses the energy, ideas and creativity we’ve seen throughout this process and outlines an irresistible plan for the Government.”