Thank You To Victoria’s Organ And Tissue Donors

Saturday 21 November 2015

Today is DonateLife Thank You Day, an opportunity to say ‘thanks’ to the hundreds of Victorians who donated their organs and tissues after their deaths.

Victorians are the most generous in the country for donating their organs.

Last year, 117 Victorians donated 369 organs – 202 kidneys, 64 livers, 53 lungs, 31 hearts, 13 pancreases, 1 heart-lung and 5 pancreas islets.

These donations helped 352 Australians to receive a life-changing organ transplant last year, an increase of 23 per cent on 2013.

With over 1600 Australians on organ transplant waiting lists at any one time, the Andrews Labor Government urges Victorians to register as donors and ensure their family knows their wishes.

To register to be an organ and tissue donor visit

For more information about organ and tissue donation, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy

“Today is a day for all Victorians to reflect on the gift of organ and tissue donation and to say ‘thanks’ to those who have given others a second chance at life.”

“Organ and tissue donation can mean the difference between life and death, being healthy and sick, or between seeing and being blind. It enables people to resume an active life in their family, their workplace, their school and their community.”

“I encourage everyone to register to be an organ and tissue donor, and to have this really important conversation with your loved ones so they know your desire to help others.”