Supporting Contract Workers With Long Service Benefits

Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Andrews Labor Government is making things fairer for people working in security, contract cleaning and community services with the commencement of the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme on 1 July.

It means Victorians in these industries will now be able to accrue long service entitlements and transfer them from job to job within the same industry.

The scheme returns fairness and security to workers in these sectors, who often perform the same work, in the same place, for many years, without being able to accrue long service.

A parliamentary committee found such instances were common across the cleaning, security and community services industries.

Victorian businesses have from 1 July to 30 September to register for the scheme and from October, will be required to submit quarterly returns detailing days worked and pay received for their employees.

They will then pay a levy to the Portable Long Service Authority which will invest the funds and use them to pay workers when they claim long service.

Any new businesses in these industries has three months from establishment to register.

The authority, headquartered in Bendigo and employing more than 30 people, is responsible for administering the scheme and ensuring compliance.

For more information or to learn about the other industries – including early childhood and disability services – that will be eligible for the scheme from 1 January, 2020, visit

Quote attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Tim Pallas

“We’re changing the system to give more hard-working Victorians a fair go. Hard workers shouldn’t lose their long service leave whenever their employers sign new contracts.”

Quote attributable to Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer Steve Dimopoulos

“If you work in the same place for seven years, you should get long service benefits – it’s just that simple.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards

“This is great news – not just for cleaners, community service workers and security staff across the state – but also for Bendigo. The new authority means more jobs for locals and a boost for the local economy.”

Quote attributable to Portable Long Service Authority CEO Joseph Yeung

“It is fantastic that Victorians here in Bendigo have the opportunity to join the Authority and be part of this important reform.”