Support For Our Multicultural Communities

Friday 18 November 2016

A new round of funding for Victoria’s multicultural community will help create the leaders of tomorrow, tell the stories of resettled asylum seekers and provide culturally sensitive support for victims of family violence.

Minister of Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott and Member for Richmond Richard Wynne today presented $632,000 to nine community organisations, forming part of a $10 million package to support multicultural groups.

Many of the organisations work with newly settled migrants and refugees to increase access to health and employment services, address family violence, gender equality and promote respectful relationships.

Funding includes:

  • $200,000 a year over four years for The Brotherhood of St Laurence to support emerging communities at different stages of settlement
  • $20,000 a year over two years for independent broadcaster PBS 106.7FM to help Victorians with a refugee or migrant background share their stories on radio
  • $70,000 over two years for North Richmond Community Health to support culturally diverse LGBTI young people
  • $75,000 a year over two years for Project Respect and the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights to assist those escaping family violence
  • $71,000 and $66,000 a year over two years for Cohealth and the Migrant Information Centre respectively to support family violence victims in culturally diverse communities

The Andrews Labor Government offers a variety of multicultural grant programs that help improve access to services and provide opportunities to promote a shared sense of belonging.

Further information is available at

Quote attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“These organisations do incredible work to welcome and resettle new Victorians from across the globe, and we’re proud to support them.”

Quote attributable to Member for Richmond Richard Wynne

“The Brotherhood of St Laurence, PBS and Community Health are staunch champions in our community – their work in supporting the thriving multicultural society around inner Melbourne is invaluable.”