Students And Staff Voices Returned To TAFE And Universities

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Students and staff will again have a say on university councils and TAFEs boards after the Andrews Labor Government reversed laws implemented by the previous Liberal Government that silenced their views.

Governance legislation passed the Upper House of Parliament last night providing certainty for the 2016 academic year.

The changes to the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 will mean there is at least one student and one member of staff on every University Council and at least one staff member on every TAFE Board, along with the CEO.

The student and staff positions on governing bodies will be filled by elected representatives.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert said good governance must include the views of staff and students whose voices are central to the operation of tertiary institutions.

In opposing the bill, the Liberal Opposition has again shown its lack of respect for staff, students and the wider vocational education and higher education communities.

The Government will now work with institutions during the transition period to make sure staff and students receive training to carry out their role.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“TAFEs and Universities are major institutions and we’ve restored the capacity for staff and students to have a say on how universities and TAFEs are run.”

 “Time and time again we see the Opposition putting the boot into TAFEs and universities: not only did they spend four years mismanaging the training system, they want to deny staff and students a voice.”

“Labor will always stand up for staff and students to make sure their voices are heard and their needs are met.”

“Australia is one of the world's great democracies and Victoria has some of the best tertiary institutions in the country. Democratic principles are now back at the heart of governance at these great institutions.”