Strengthening Victoria’s Road Safety Camera Network

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Victorian motorists can continue to have confidence in the state’s road safety camera network, with an overhaul of the network's governance and security protocols, following the independent Road Safety Camera Commissioner’s report into the WannaCry virus, commissioned by Minister for Police Lisa Neville.

Minister Neville today welcomed the report and accepted all of its recommendations which will be fully implemented by the Andrews Labor Government.

In the report, Commissioner John Voyage confirmed the virus did not affect the network’s integrity. He also identified key areas of improvement in the program’s governance and operations – which will be fully implemented.

The Labor Government has already taken early actions to improve the cyber security protocols to tighten the network so cameras are protected against the introduction of viruses from individual machines.

The implementation of the report’s recommendations will be led by a new division within the Department created to drive the reforms, under new leadership reporting directly to the Minister – for added accountability.

The new Director of Road Safety Camera Program has also been appointed to oversee the design and delivery of the network’s reconfiguration, and manage the ongoing operations of the network.

Road Safety Cameras save lives on our roads. The new management structure, new policies and new security protocols will ensure Victorians can continue to have complete confidence in the integrity of the road safety camera network and the role it plays in contributing to the Government’s vital Towards Zero road safety campaign.

Other key changes to the Road Safety Camera Program will include

  • The tightening of security so external viruses cannot spread within the network.
  • An independent specialist organisation to oversee the reconfiguration of the network’s security.
  • A review of the powers of the Road Safety Camera Commissioner to improve information sharing between the Department and the Commissioner for increased accountability – and while this review takes place, ministerial guidelines will be prepared to ensure that flow of information is maintained.
  • The establishment of a reference group between contractors and stakeholders to continuously work towards strengthening our network before issues occur.

The Road Safety Camera Commissioner independently monitors the road safety camera network in Victoria, ensuring all fixed and mobile road safety cameras are operating accurately and reliably.

The Labor Government is investing more than $1.3 billion in the Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy, which aims to reduce the number of lives lost on our roads to 200 or fewer by 2020.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Our road safety camera network is integral to protecting the lives of Victorians on the road. That’s why we’re overhauling its security protocols to make sure we have the strongest protection in place.

“The network deters dangerous driving and reduces road trauma, so it’s crucial Victorians have faith in its integrity.”

“The independent Commissioner has confirmed the WannaCry virus had no impact on the network. We’re not only taking action to strengthen the network’s cyber security, but also our management operations so that it is protected against any future threats.”