Statement On Multicultural Australia

Tuesday 21 March 2017

It is beyond ironic that Malcolm Turnbull is moving to water down race hate laws on Harmony Day.

We strongly condemn any changes which suggest it is okay to be racially insulting or offensive, or even humiliate someone because of their background.

Just yesterday, Mr Turnbull promised to nurture Australia’s diversity with the launch of a new multicultural statement.

That statement is rendered meaningless if he is simultaneously clearing a path for bigots and bigotry.

The Andrews Labor Government fully supports the Racial Discrimination Act – and will continue to do so.

We will review Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 to consider ways to strengthen legislative protections, should the Federal Coalition be successful with their amendments.

I remain disappointed with Opposition Leader Matthew Guy’s silence on the issue.

When he was the Multicultural Affairs Minister, he said: “There should be no changes to the Federal Racial Discrimination Act.”

It is time for Mr Guy to stand up for the values he was once proud to support.

The Victorian Government will stand with people of good will to defend our multicultural communities.

Because we are Victorian. And proud of it.