Statement on Energy for the Regions Program

Wednesday 4 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government will proceed with the Energy for the Regions program.

A report in The Weekly Times today that the Labor Government is poised to axe the Energy for the Regions program is incorrect.

Despite the mess the former Coalition Government have made of the roll-out, the program will go ahead under the Labor Government.

We are still determining the full extent of the Coalition’s mismanagement of the roll-out and its impact on regional communities.

As of 25 February only one of the fourteen towns promised natural gas by the former Coalition Government has actually been connected.

This is a white elephant of the Coalition’s making and now we have been left to fix up their mess.

Let’s be clear – this is a botched program plagued by budget and timeline blowouts – it was under-funded and over-sold.

We will continue to work to fix up the Coalition’s mess and deliver natural gas to Victoria’s regions.