Sowing The Seeds Of Success For Ultima

Thursday 29 June 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has helped secure a $4.5 million investment from Pentarch Agricultural, a Western Australian based fodder processor who will set up their first Victorian facility in Ultima.

Pentarch markets Australian oaten hay, cottonseed and other grain internationally and the new facility will generate millions of dollars in new exports to Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China.

It will create new jobs in the small rural town of Ultima in North West Victoria and provide alternative markets to grain growers, particularly during poor seasons.

The project involves:

  • construction of a production shed and two hay storage facilities
  • a new weighbridge, which will be available for public use
  • an office and administration building and new equipment.

Ultima is strategically located close to local growers and a rail siding that will be upgraded as part of the $440 million Murray Basin Rail Project, which is jointly funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Government.

Construction is well underway, supporting 20 jobs, and is on track for completion by June 2018.

The project will capitalise on the Mallee’s competitive advantage in food and fibre production and will help enhance local skills in this regionally significant sector.

Across Victoria, the Labor Government is backing projects that make regional and rural Victoria a better place to live, work and do business, and is actively supporting our food and fibre producers across the supply chain.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“This sort of jobs boost for a small town can make all the difference. We’re proud to back this initiative that will benefit the entire  food and fibre supply chain and strengthen businesses in the Mallee.”

“Right across our state, we’re backing projects that make regional Victoria a great place to live and work because our regions deserve the best of everything.”

Quotes attributable to Chief Executive Officer Pentarch Agricultural Bill Castlemain

The Pentarch Group, through its subsidiary, Mallee Hay is proud to be investing in the region for the development of its second hay export facility in Australia.”

“The company has demonstrated its support for local business and look forward to continuing to do so in the future.”