Social Cohesion Strengthened in Shepparton

Friday 13 March 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the development of intercultural and interfaith connections in the City of Greater Shepparton, with an investment of $30,000 towards locally-designed social cohesion initiatives in the region.

These initiatives will be delivered by the Greater Shepparton City Council, in collaboration with the Goulburn Valley Business Rural and Industry Network and other local organisations.

The grant will support the delivery of:

  • a forum to explore issues of diversity and social cohesion with regional business owners and community leaders;
  • a series of facilitated cultural conversations and workshops about diversity and social inclusion with business owners, community leaders,  and the broader local community;
  • an intercultural cooking program with participants learning to cook traditional cuisine from Shepparton’s diverse communities, whilst sharing stories about the origins, meanings and cultural importance of the cuisine.

This funding is part of a broader $500,000 Victorian Government program to support locally-designed intercultural and interfaith initiatives to strengthen social cohesion in a number of local government areas around Victoria.

Funding will increase the participation of a broad range of community members in their local community, build new connections between Victorians of different cultural and faith backgrounds, increase understanding of local cultural and religious diversity and strengthen community resilience.

Quotes from Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott

“Greater Shepparton is a wonderfully welcoming and diverse region with many new and established migrant communities. These projects will further strengthen the diverse social fabric of the Shepparton region.”

 “Victoria’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity is an integral part of our State, and one of its greatest strengths.”

 “There is a long-standing bipartisan and state-wide  commitment to multiculturalism in Victoria, which places us in a strong position to respond to and overcome challenges to our social cohesion.”

“As Shepparton’s community continues to grow and diversify, It is vital that we encourage cross-cultural and interfaith exchanges. These interactions break down barriers and address misunderstandings about people of cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds that may be different to our own.”