Rural Women Driving Force Behind Victorian Agriculture

Monday 7 March 2016

Victoria’s leading rural women took centre stage at Parliament House today at the Women in Agriculture Forum – a key event celebrating International Women’s Day.

More than 60 women took part in the forum which focused on decision making in agricultural businesses, mentoring and leadership opportunities.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford, the first Victorian female Minister to hold both Agriculture and Regional Development portfolios, praised rural women for their passion and dedication to bring success to farming and rural enterprises.

The Women in Agriculture Forum is a key event for the Andrews Labor Government’s celebration of International Women’s Day, which is officially marked tomorrow.

In attendance was 2015 Victorian Rural Woman of the Year and third generation orchardist,  Katie Finlay, whose work has given farmers better control of markets for their produce by fostering strong relationships between farmer and consumer, and building connected communities around farmers and farmers markets.

Former Victorian Rural Woman of the Year, cattle farmer and rural development advocate Alana Johnson facilitated discussions on how best to further representation of women in key roles across the state.

The Labor Government is supporting women in agriculture and across rural Victoria to ensure their potential and opportunities for leadership roles are maximised.

Ms Pulford highlighted the strong presence of our next generation of food and fibre producers and the rising dominance of women in agriculture, who lead the way when it comes to tertiary education and employment.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Rural women aren’t just the backbone of farming communities, they are the ideas generators.  The passion and drive of our rural women to succeed as leaders is second to none.”  

“Women in agriculture have a key role to play in shaping the future of our industry and setting the agenda for decades to come. “

“Agriculture and our farming families sit at the heart of rural and regional Victoria, with our food and fibre industry contributing more than $11.6 billion to our economy.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Women Fiona Richardson

“It was great to be here today to feel the energy and enthusiasm in the room, I look forward to seeing the list of actions to improve and increase the role of women across Victoria’s farming sector.”

“The 2016 Women in Agriculture Forum is a pivotal opportunity for women in our farming sector to have input straight into the heart of the Andrews Labor Government and our gender equality strategy.”