Residents To Have Their Say On Local Council Performance

Wednesday 1 February 2017

More than 27,000 Victorians will be able to have their say on their council’s performance this month as part of  Local Government Victoria’s annual Community Satisfaction Survey.

The phone interviews with residents will be comprised of a number of questions about the council’s performance over the past 12 months, which includes community consultation, advocacy and customer service.

A total of 67 councils out of 79 in Victoria are taking part in the survey with at least 400 local residents from each local government area selected randomly, totalling more than 27,000 respondents.

The survey provides gives councils a better idea of what is important to their residents and helps shape future service delivery.

Findings from this year’s CSS inform performance data on the Andrews Labor Government’s Know Your Council website.

Know Your Council was launched in November 2015 and enables the public to compare and contrast performance of similar councils across a range of services and measures.

As well as community satisfaction results, the website highlights a host of other performance data, including

  • financial performance
  • planning decisions
  • animal management
  • waste collection

Phone interviews will start this month, and continue in March, and participating councils will receive their survey report by the end of May.

The Statewide Community Satisfaction Survey Research Report will be published after council’s receive their individual reports.

For more information, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

This is an important tool to assess the effectiveness of local councils and a great opportunity for Victorians to have their voice heard on the issue.”

“We want councils to be as transparent as possible and the Know Your Council website allows residents to easily see how their council is performing compared to the rest of the state.”