Repeat Offenders On Overseas Licences Will Be Disqualified

Sunday 21 June 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is removing a long-standing loophole to make the Victorian demerit point system fairer, and our roads safer.

Under the changes, demerit points and penalties will apply to overseas licence holders and unlicensed drivers.

From 1 July 2015, overseas licence holders and unlicensed drivers who accumulate enough demerit points to lose their licence will be taken off our roads by being issued with a disqualification notice.

The changes give VicRoads the power to enforce demerit point sanctions against anyone who drives in Victoria.

Currently, overseas and unlicensed drivers who incur demerit points for driving offences do not have demerit point penalties applied to them.

From 1 July 2015, these drivers will now be sent a disqualification notice.

They will be disqualified from driving in Victoria and from obtaining a Victorian driver licence or learner permit.

It will remove habitual traffic offenders from Victorian roads and encourage improved driving behaviour.

The appeals process has also been tightened to deter people from using the Courts as a mechanism to delay penalties.  A separate application to pause a demerit point suspension or disqualification will need to be made to the Magistrates’ Court.

Another key change being implemented gives VicRoads the authority to request that any driver, including those from other states or overseas, undertake a medical review assessment if there is a concern about their fitness to drive. Previously only drivers licensed in Victoria were subject to this requirement.

For more information on changes to the demerit point scheme, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Luke Donnellan

“The Andrews Labor Government is making the demerit point system fairer for all Victorians by cracking down on a loophole that has allowed repeat traffic offenders to remain on the roads without consequence.”

“The Government is ensuring that the demerit point system is applied to all drivers on Victorian roads equally.”

“We want to make the system fairer and the penalties applied for racking up demerit points will encourage drivers to change poor driving behaviour.”