Recognising Excellence In Victorian Manufacturing

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Victoria’s outstanding local businesses and individuals are being urged to nominate for the 2017 Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan called for nominations while visiting last year’s Hall of Fame inductee – RFI Technology Solutions in Bayswater – a manufacturer of antenna systems, wireless technology and energy systems.

The company specialises in wireless coverage and solar power for key transport, defence, public safety, critical emergency services and energy sectors. It also supports the work of organisations such as the Victorian Country Fire Authority and Public Transport Victoria.

RFI has also supplied products for major landmarks including the Sydney Opera House and the WestGate Bridge, as well as one of the world’s largest police and emergency services networks – the Los Angeles Public Safety Radio Network.

The Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Awards categories include Manufacturer of the Year for each of small, medium and large business categories, and Young Manufacturer of the Year.

Awards will also be given out to companies operating in the high growth sectors such as medical technologies and pharmaceuticals, food and fibre, and transport, defence and construction technologies.

Manufacturers can nominate for the awards by visiting

Manufacturing across Victoria has been expanding solidly, with almost 20,000 jobs created since November 2014.

The Andrew Labor Government's Future Industries Manufacturing Program provides grants of up to $500,000 to help companies to implement new technologies. To date $4.7 million has been approved towards 19 successful projects.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry Wade Noonan

“Victorian manufacturing is growing at an impressive rate, and we’re working to maintain that momentum.”

“These awards are about celebrating excellence in advanced manufacturing, and I strongly encourage businesses and individuals to nominate and showcase their talent.”