Racing Integrity Commissioner Reappointed For Further Three Years

Monday 7 March 2016

Minister for Racing Martin Pakula today announced the reappointment of Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner Sal Perna for a further three years.

Mr Perna was appointed as Victoria’s first Racing Integrity Commissioner in 2010, and was reappointed for two years in 2012 and again in 2014.

He has led two major integrity investigations in the past year, including an own-motion inquiry following allegations of live baiting in Victoria’s greyhound racing industry and a special inquiry into the late scratching of six out of 10 horses from the 2014 Ballarat Pacing Cup.

Tabled in Parliament in June 2015, Mr Perna’s Live Baiting in Greyhound Racing in Victoria Final Report made 18 recommendations, including that Greyhound Racing Victoria develop a new regulatory framework for all people and premises involved in the rearing, education, breaking in and training of greyhounds.

In May 2015, Mr Perna also delivered a report on the Special Inquiry into Harness Racing Victoria, Ballarat Pacing Cup, which found that the Stewards’ Panel had taken the correct course of action in prohibiting the use of sulkies that breached the Rules of Racing.

The report contained eight recommendations, including that Harness Racing Victoria restore the position of compliance steward and introduce training processes that provide all stewards with skills and knowledge in compliance.

Mr Perna was also instrumental in the development of two memorandums of understanding with Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police in 2015, which will allow for more information sharing between the organisations.

Since his appointment in 2010, Mr Perna has met with more than 6600 people from 510 racing organisations or units and made 267 operational visits to race meetings.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Racing Martin Pakula

“I am pleased to announce the reappointment of Racing Integrity Commissioner Sal Perna for a further three years.”

“Mr Perna has made an outstanding contribution to the integrity of our three racing codes and I’m confident that he will ensure that the high standards expected by the Victorian community continue to be upheld in the future.”