Questions Matthew Guy Must Answer About His Secret Rort To Breach Donation Laws

Tuesday 2 August 2022
  1. When did Mr Guy become aware of the contract for secret payments to Mr Catlin’s private company – and given the correspondence to his private email is clear about a prior agreement, when did he authorise it?
  2. Who is the Liberal donor? Is it anyone linked with the infamous “Lobster with a Mobster” dinner?
  3. What motivated the deal to describe the secret payments as “supporting business interests”?
  4. What “business interests” were to be supported with the secret payments to Catchy Media Marketing and Management?
  5. What other secret “donor deals” does Catchy Media Marketing and Management have with Liberal donors?
  6. Isn’t this just a sham contract to receive illegal donations?
  7. Why was Mr Guy asked to forward the secret contract – drawn up by lawyers – to the Liberal donor?
  8. Did Mr Guy pressure the donor to agree to the secret payments?
  9. What was the donor expecting in return for the secret payments – especially as the payments rise to $20,833 a month for four months if the Coalition wins the election?
  10. What undertakings did Mr Guy give to the Liberal donor in return for these secret payments – what leverage does the secret donor have over him?
  11. Given Victoria’s electoral laws limit donations to $4,320 over four years – and this secret contract is around 30 times that amount – isn’t it the case this donation would amount to a massive breach of the law?
  12. Why won’t Mr Guy and Mr Catlin come clean – and release the secret contract, full list of emails and any other correspondence between them and donors regarding this attempt to breach Victoria’s donation laws?
  13. Is breaching Victoria’s donation laws through secret payments standard practice in the Liberal and National parties? Do any other opposition staff receive secret payments from unknown donors?
  14. Will Mr Guy cooperate fully with integrity bodies to clear up even the perception of illegal activity?
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