Putting Victorian Jobs And Industry First

Friday 11 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government’s multibillion dollar pipeline of projects continues to grow, creating thousands more local jobs and opportunities for apprentices, and ensuring Victorian businesses get their share of the work.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan today toured the Melbourne Park redevelopment site to announce the Local Jobs First – Victorian Industry Participation Policy Forward Plan.

The Labor Government’s Forward Plan identifies 80 Strategic Projects, including 54 current and 26 future projects.

For each Strategic Project, the Government sets a minimum local content requirement that projects must meet, ensuring local spending means local jobs.

The $340 million Melbourne Park Redevelopment Stage Two – Rod Laver Arena Refurbishment is one of the projects identified in the plan, with a minimum local content requirement of 82 per cent.

The project has already opened up opportunities for local businesses including A.G. Coombs Group, Century Glass, Fitzgerald Constructions and Barden-Steeldeck Industries to supply local steel, glass and other materials.

Other projects listed in the Forward Plan include level crossing removals, Melbourne Metro Rail Project and the Monash Freeway Upgrade.

Since November 2014, the Government has approved more than $47 billion worth of Strategic Projects, creating tens of thousands of local jobs and opportunities for local industry.

The Forward Plan can be accessed at ecodev.vic.gov.au/vipp. Local businesses looking to supply into government projects and works are encouraged to register with the Industry Capability Network at gateway.icn.org.au

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“From sourcing local steel and concrete, to giving apprentices a chance to build their career – our major projects are creating local jobs and opportunities for Victorian businesses and suppliers.”

“Our world-class infrastructure is what makes Victoria the sporting capital, and local workers and businesses are the driving force to make our facilities even better.”