Protecting our kids from family violence

Tuesday 2 May 2017

More child protection workers will keep more children safe from family violence, in the state’s biggest ever recruitment of child protection staff.

Funded as part of the Victorian Budget 2017/18, an extra 450 child protection officers will be employed across Victoria.

With nearly two-thirds of substantiated cases of child abuse or neglect also involving family violence, the investment means our child protection services will be able to respond to family violence reports even sooner.

The Budget will contribute $161.1 million to support families and children, including victims of family violence, ensuring that they receive the support they need in periods of crisis and to recover from the impacts of trauma.

This includes $59.6 million which will go towards an extra 1982 out-of-home care placements and 100 more targeted care packages to reduce the number of kids living in residential care.

The Andrews Labor Government is also investing in earlier and more effective assistance for parents, with $29.2 million to expand case management and support for vulnerable families.

In addition children will be better supported support to recover from family violence, with $100.1 million to expand services, including thousands of additional counselling sessions across the state.

These investments form part of the Labor Government’s commitment to fulfil every single recommendation from the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Our $168 million Roadmap for Reform was introduced to shift the children and family services system from crisis response to prevention and early intervention.

The Labor Government will ensure that services working with children and families are aligned with major Royal Commission reforms and have the resources they need to keep children safe.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Children are too often the silent victims of family violence. With this investment, we’re putting them front and centre.”

“We’re serious about addressing family violence, which is why we’re making the biggest investment ever in child protection.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“This funding will mean child protection can investigate sooner and keep our kids safer.”

“We’re employing an extra 450 workers and expanding support to families, because there’s nothing more important than protecting our kids.”