Prisons Bring Jobs To Regional Victoria

Thursday 23 April 2015

Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, Ben Carroll, is today visiting Beechworth Correctional Centre and Dhurringile Prison.

Representing the Minister for Corrections, Wade Noonan, Mr Carroll attended the graduation of 20 prison officers at Dhurringile.

Mr Carroll said the graduations highlighted how prisons bring jobs to regional Victoria.

A further nine recruits will graduate at Beechworth Correctional Centre next week, the first time in the prison’s 10-year history that a recruits’ training course has been held there.

The recruits come from diverse backgrounds such as hospitality, community services and engineering, bringing a variety of skills to their new careers.

They must pass a rigorous seven-week training course both on prison operations and managing prisoners as they come to the end of their sentences.

Both Beechworth and Dhurringile minimum-security prisons have strong ties to their communities, giving the prisoners experience in the real world for their transition back into society.

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to prisoner support programs to reduce the number of people returning to prison within two years.

Corrections Victoria’s Reintegration Pathway is at the heart of this commitment. It provides specialist support to prisoners, linking them to critical services such as housing and employment services to help them reintegrate into their community upon their release.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Justice, Ben Carroll

“These prisons are part of the economic fabric of regional Victoria and these new jobs contribute to that.’’

“Both Beechworth and Dhurringile prisons provide opportunities for prisoners nearing the end of their sentence to be reintegrated into the community, which is an important step in reducing recidivism.”

“Beechworth and Dhurringile help prisoners learn practical skills and strategies to prepare them for their new lives back in the community.