Pressure Mounts On Turnbull To Back Regional Rail Revival

Sunday 30 April 2017

Pressure is mounting on the Turnbull Government to give Victoria the money it’s owed to upgrade regional rail lines across the state.

Yesterday the Andrews Labor Government unveiled its $1.45 billion Regional Rail Revival package, which will deliver better regional train services, and create more than 1,000 jobs.

The package includes a $435 million upgrade of the Gippsland Line, $110 million for a new Surf Coast Rail Project, $100 million for the Warrnambool line, and major upgrades to other regional lines across Victoria.

These projects are funded and ready to go, as soon as Victoria receives the $1.46 billion it’s owed under the agreement with the Federal Government on Asset Recycling.

This is not the Turnbull Government’s money – it is money owed to Victoria for Victorian projects.

Councils and peak bodies have thrown their support behind the Regional Rail Revival package, and regional Turnbull Government MPs have been campaigning for projects in it – yet Malcolm Turnbull is denying Victoria the money that would deliver these improvements.

In fact, the Turnbull Government is dudding Victorians by $6.6 billion, and hasn’t invested a single dollar to build better public transport in Victoria since it came to office.

The Labor Government expects Malcolm Turnbull to back the Regional Rail Revival and address this huge funding shortfall in the upcoming Federal Budget.

With regional Victoria growing and patronage on the V/Line network at record highs, it’s time for the Turnbull Government to stop dithering, keep his promises and give Victoria its money.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“This is our money and we will spend it on better regional rail across Victoria.”

“The Sydney-centric Turnbull Government hasn’t given Victoria a single cent to build better public transport.”

“It’s time for Malcolm Turnbull to stop stalling, and let us get on with our Regional Rail Revival.”