Preserving Hanging Rock

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The future of Victoria’s iconic Hanging Rock will be strengthened under a new management proposal announced today by Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville.

As part of an election commitment, the Andrews Labor Government undertook a comprehensive review of the management of the precinct to ensure its unique natural values can be appreciated for many years to come.

A report prepared by independent consultants, PPB Advisory, was submitted to the Minister after extensive community consultation was undertaken.

The information received was used to develop the report with a range of options that provide for sustainable long term management of Hanging Rock.

The report found that integrated management of both the Reserve and East Paddock is important to the long term sustainability of the Hanging Rock Precinct.

It identified key areas for improvement, particularly relating to governance, engagement with the community and clear strategic directions to identify the future investment needs for the precinct.

Ms Neville met with Macedon Ranges Shire Council today to propose that the Council retain management responsibility with a number of substantive changes – ensuring we can provide effective and sustainable management into the future while strengthening relationships with the community and all users of the precinct.

Ensuring environmental values at the Rock are protected – as well as greater transparency and engagement with the community – will be the key focus of the proposed changes, which include:

  • Council to work with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to change the name of the Hanging Rock Development Advisory Committee to Hanging Rock Strategic Advisory Committee, increase the environmental representation on the committee and change the role of the Advisory Committee
  • Joint development between DELWP and Council of a new masterplan for the precinct (including East Paddock) in consultation with nominated key stakeholder groups
  • Council to deliver an annual report to the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning detailing income and expenditure directly related to activities at the Hanging Rock Reserve that will be publicly available

Implementing these changes will give the community a greater say in the future of the precinct, ensuring the precinct remains an icon to the region for a significant period of time with a long term sustainable management model in place.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“Effective strategic change is necessary so that  all parties can work together.”

“We hope to work with Council and the community to make sure the Hanging Rock precinct has a sustainable future.”

Quote attributable to the Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“I look forward to working together with the community and Council to create a strong partnership for the benefit of the local community and visitors.”