Premier Heads To China For First Official Overseas Visit

Sunday 20 September 2015

Premier Daniel Andrews will today travel to China for his first official overseas visit since coming into Government last November.

Mr Andrews will be in China from 20-27 September and will visit Beijing, Nanjing, and Chengdu.

China is one of Victoria’s most important relationships and our largest trading partner, with two-way trade between Victoria and China valued at over $20.5 billion in 2014/15.

China is also our number one source of international students, with almost 50,000 international student enrolments in 2014. China’s visiting economy also contributes over 430,000 tourists to the state per year.

This is a relationship that the Andrews Labor Government values and is committed to developing further through this trip and many more.

To help achieve this, the Government is developing Victoria’s new China Strategy, that will focus on building stronger and deeper alliances between the Victorian and Chinese Governments, attracting increased Chinese investment and boosting trade between Victorian and Chinese businesses.

Consultation on the new strategy will be a key part of the trip, as is strengthening ties with Jiangsu - Victoria's sister state of 36 years - and Sichuan province.

The delegation will include Harold Mitchell, Chair of the Premier’s Jobs and Investment Panel, Professor Glyn Davis, Vice Chancellor of Melbourne University, Mr Jonathan Clancy, CEO at Qenos, Ms Alice Wong, Head of Asian Leadership at the Westpac Group and the Premier’s parliamentary colleagues Mr Hong Lim MP and the Hon Marsha Thomson MP.

Minister for Public Transport and Employment and Leader of the House Jacinta Allan will be Acting Premier while Mr Andrews is overseas.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

"We have a proud history of working together with China, which is why I have chosen China as my first official overseas visit as Premier."

"Successful engagement with the China market is critical to the Victorian economy – it is our largest trading partner and is integral to our visitor economy with over 400,000 Chinese tourists visiting our state every year.

"Boosting investment and two-way trade with China means jobs and opportunities for all Victorians."

"As Premier I am committing to visiting China every year and will also ensure that my Ministers are frequent visitors."