Premier Acts on Paramedics' Pay – On Day One

Friday 5 December 2014

Premier Daniel Andrews has sent the issue of paramedics’ pay rates to the independent umpire, only hours after being sworn in as the state’s 48th Premier.

Before the election, Mr Andrews promised to refer the issue to the Fair Work Commission for consent arbitration, to bring Victorian paramedics’ pay in line with that in other states.

Mr Andrews wrote to the Fair Work Commission to advise that he had instructed the interim CEO of Ambulance Victoria to meet with the ambulance union and arrange a joint application.

The Premier’s actions are an immediate step towards resolving the long-running dispute between paramedics and Ambulance Victoria over their workplace pay and conditions.

Victorian paramedics are the lowest paid in Australia. The Government is hopeful that the matter can be resolved quickly and fairly so our hardworking paramedics get the support they deserve.

Quotes Attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“At the moment, our hardworking paramedics aren’t getting the support they deserve and we want to help them.”

“As promised, I’m putting this case in the hands of the independent umpire – it’s the best way to get a fair decision." 

“I’ll be working with paramedics, not against them, to end the war on their profession and save the seconds that save lives.”

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