Portland Smelter Completes Restart

Thursday 12 October 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed news that Alcoa’s Portland smelter has restored production capacity lost following a power outage in December last year, boosting confidence for manufacturing workers and local businesses.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney today met Alcoa workers and contractors to celebrate completion of the smelter restart, which has seen the smelter’s two potlines back online and the lost capacity restored.

The Labor Government worked tirelessly to keep the smelter operating, following the power outage that threatened its future.

Smelter employees, supply chain companies and Portland businesses now have greater certainty about their future.

The smelter is Portland’s largest employer and more than 1,600 supply chain and indirect jobs depend on its continued operation.

It directly supports 650 employees and contractors, injects more than $120 million annually into the Portland region and generates about $386 million of broader economic benefit.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 provided a further $500,000 to create jobs and support economic growth across the Glenelg region.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“It’s great to see the Portland smelter production restored – supporting local jobs and manufacturing.”

“Our interventions have protected this crucial industry, saved local jobs and continue to support communities in Portland and throughout Victoria’s south west.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“We said we’d do all we could to keep the smelter operating and that’s exactly what we’ve done.”

“The Portland smelter is so important to our economy so I’m extremely happy to see it running at full production again.”