One Worker Injured Every Day In Latrobe Valley

Friday 19 June 2015

During a visit today to Latrobe Valley, Minister for Finance, Robin Scott, urged local businesses to increase their focus on workplace safety, particularly in high risk industries such as manufacturing and health.

The safety message was delivered this morning, when Mr Scott toured one of the region’s biggest manufacturers, the Lion dairy foods processing plant at Morwell.

Over the past five years, more than 2100 workers have been seriously injured in the Latrobe Valley, which is more than one worker every day. These injuries have cost more than $135 million in compensation and medical treatment.

Manufacturing and health sectors are the two most high-risk industries in the Latrobe Valley. They accounted for more than a third of workplace injuries in the region last year.

Mr Scott announced that the number of WorkSafe inspectors in the Gippsland region will increase from 6 to 8 in 2015, with two new inspectors being added to WorkSafe’s Traralgon office. One has just joined the team and another will join the office later this year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Finance, Robin Scott

“Over the past five years, more than 2100 workers have been seriously injured in the Latrobe Valley. That’s more than one worker every day.

“WorkSafe inspectors have an important job, and we must all work together to prevent injuries, fairly compensate workers and ensure they have the support they need to recover when incidents occur.”

“Workplace safety remains a key priority of the Andrews Labor Government”

Quotes attributable to Lion spokesperson, Ken Sanders

“Lion’s low injury rates are a result of a strong leadership focus on making safety the first priority”

“Team members are empowered to own and champion safety which is evidenced through the proactive nature of the health and safety committee.”