Ombudsman Report Into Mount Buller And Mount Stirling Management Board

Monday 20 March 2017

Today the Victorian Ombudsman released a report into allegations of improper conduct by officers at the Mount Buller and Mount Stirling Resort Management Board.

The report implicated officers of the resort in the misuse of public funds and public resources.

As the Minister responsible I expect high standards of behaviour from Board members and senior executives in my portfolio. The actions and the lapses in judgement and oversight, detailed in this report, fall well short of the expected standards.

I have been advised that for the sake of procedural fairness the Chair and all board members will need to show cause why they should not be removed from their current positions.

I have written to them today to express my disappointment in their performance and have asked for responses within seven days. I will then consider the responses of the Chair and all board and take appropriate action, which may include their removal.

I have also asked the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to write to all portfolio public entities to ask that they review their internal policies for compliance against whole of government policy and expectation.

They have also been asked to provide assurance that relevant policies are in place, up to date, and are being properly followed.

The Government is currently considering a new governance model for the Alpine sector and the lessons learned from this review will be considered in shaping the new model.