No Worse Off Clause To Protect Security Workers

Thursday 25 May 2017

Security staff will be guaranteed the same pay and conditions should their employer change hands under new Government contract rules.

Minister for Finance Robin Scott today announced a new provision to be included in the Andrews Labor Government’s Security Services State Purchase Contract (SPC) – the standing offer agreement which mandates individual or site-by-site contracts.

The new ‘no less favourable’ provision ensures security personnel will be granted the same rates in the event there is a switch to a new service provider.

The provision, which is expected to kick in from November, is aimed at protecting the employment rights of security staff who work at government sites and stamping out the potential of cash-in-hand or underpayments.

Existing service providers will be asked to provide remuneration information about their employees so that workers’ conditions can be protected as quickly as possible.

It will also require providers to engage staff according to a consistent classification structure, as outlined in the Security Services Industry Award 2010.

The Department of Treasury and Finance, as part of its role in government procurement, will implement the measure and work with providers to offer on-going support.

For more information, please visit the Victorian Government Tenders website at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Finance Robin Scott

“The new SPC will ensure security staff aren’t unfairly disadvantaged from any changes in service providers.”

“Security staff work hard – it’s important we protect them back as well as their rights and conditions.”

“The new provision also means tendering providers will have clear compliance guidelines.”