No More Excuses – Matthew Guy Must Sack Brad Battin

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Liberal Leader Matthew Guy has run out of time and excuses and must sack his Shadow Minister for Emergency Services as he continues to slur Black Saturday firefighters.

In Parliament last week, Brad Battin incorrectly and disgracefully claimed that career firefighters took five and a half hours to respond to the Black Saturday bushfires, which claimed 173 lives.

After offering an apology on social media he then then back-tracked – claiming on 3AW Drive’s program on Monday night that he was only referring to the Bunyip State Ridge Fire.

TOM ELLIOTT (PRESENTER): So, you’re saying that what you said was, even if it had been about Bunyip State Fire,that was incorrect, that they didn’t take that long?

BRAD BATTIN: I’ve been told still that it was around the five and a half hours at that fire.

3AW DRIVE, 15 May 2017 

This is also completely false.

As the Royal Commission makes clear, career firefighters from a number of agencies were involved fighting the Bunyip State Ridge Fire from when it started burning on 2 February 2009 and continued to be involved throughout Black Saturday on 7 February.

This pattern of behaviour makes it clear that he is unfit to stay in his position – Matthew Guy needs to show some leadership and sack him.

His Shadow Minister’s comments were incredibly hurtful and an insult to all firefighters who served on Black Saturday – a day that claimed the lives of 173 people.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier and Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino 

"Brad Battin slurred Black Saturday firefighters in Parliament and he has slurred them again." 

"This is disgraceful behaviour that denigrates our Black Saturday heroes and makes Brad Battin unfit to be the Shadow Emergency Services Minister." 

"Matthew Guy has run out of excuses – he must show some backbone and sack him."