Next Step In Fire Services Reform

Friday 18 August 2017

The Andrews Labor Government will closely consider recommendations made by the inquiry into the Firefighters’ Presumptive Rights Compensation and Fire Services Legislation Amendment (Reform) Bill 2017.

The Inquiry has today released its final report and the Labor Government will respond to its recommendations before returning the Bill to parliament.

We thank the Committee for its work and acknowledge the huge number of firefighters and community members who have had their say throughout this process.

The Committee heard from firefighters, emergency services leaders, experts and the wider community during hearings right across the state.

The clear message from firefighters and senior leaders of the fire services at the hearings was that change is needed to keep Victorians safe.

Nearly three quarters of written submissions to the Inquiry support reform and the need to modernise Victoria’s fire services system – which dates back to the 1950s – was raised repeatedly throughout the hearings.

The committee process is a normal part of scrutinising legislation and has occurred with numerous bills in this term of government – including for the lease of the Port of Melbourne and taxi industry reform.

Just like on other important pieces of legislation, the Labor Government has shown it is willing to work with all parties to see their concerns addressed and ensure the legislation is passed.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino

“The committee makes a number of recommendations that we will closely consider in coming days.”

“These reforms will modernise our fire services, provide more support for volunteers and – most importantly – keep Victorian safe.”

“I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the inquiry, particularly our firefighters and other emergency services personnel who work every single day to help keep Victorians safe.”