New Wheels For Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre

Friday 2 March 2018

More remote Elmhurst residents will receive the care they need at home, thanks to an Andrews Labor Government funding boost for a new vehicle at Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today announced Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre would receive $27,000 through the Labor Government’s Regional Health Infrastructure Fund.

The $200 million fund – the largest of its kind in Victorian history – will rebuild rural and regional hospitals to ensure all Victorians can access the high quality care and facilities they need, no matter where they live.

The funding boost for Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre will be used to buy a new operational vehicle.

The bush nursing centre delivers a broad range of community services to the small rural communities of Elmhurst, Warrack, Landsborough, Crowlands, Amphitheatre and beyond.

A new and reliable vehicle is vital to ensure the centre’s services are better connected to clients. It will ensure high quality services can be efficiently delivered, when and where they are most needed, closer to home.

In 2017/18, Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre will receive $340,000 in funding from the Labor Government. This is 7.8 per cent more than was provided the previous financial year.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 provided $1.67 billion to allow hospitals to admit more patients, reduce waiting times, and keep Victorians healthy.

That’s unlike Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals, who have declared their intentions to short-change Victoria’s hospitals by $2.1 billion – and put patients at risk.

Under the Turnbull Government’s National Health Reform Agreement 2020/21 to 2024/25, the Liberals are still refusing to pay their fair share, capping their contribution at 6.5 per cent growth, which won’t meet demand in our hospitals, and they’re refusing to increase the Commonwealth contribution rate to 50 per cent.

This is on top of the $104 million that Victoria is already owed by the Federal Liberal Government – which Malcolm Turnbull still refuses to pay – despite independent advice confirming Victoria is entitled to the funding.

Quote attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Investments like this make all the difference for small communities like Elmhurst. This will mean more home visits and better care for local patients, and better support for our hard-working nurses.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Our dedicated healthcare workers at Elmhurst Bush Nursing Centre do a remarkable job. We’re supporting them to do their job keeping locals healthy by giving them a new vehicle to stay on the road.”