New Waste Plans For Victoria

Thursday 6 July 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has completed new long-term plans for waste and resource recovery across six Victorian regions, ensuring the best outcomes for our communities, economy and environment.

Acting Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Richard Wynne announced the 10-year plans today, which cover the Barwon South West, Gippsland, Goulburn Valley, Grampians Central West, Loddon Mallee, and North East regions.

Together with the 30-year Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan and the Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation Plan,  the announcement completes a comprehensive state-wide waste infrastructure framework.

By 2043, Victorians will generate 60 per cent more waste than they do now – over 20 million tonnes each year.

The framework recognises that disposing of waste to landfill can impact health, amenity and the environment, and will reduce the need for landfills by developing markets for recovered materials and energy.

An evaluation of Victoria’s landfill capacity found that no new landfills are needed for at least the next ten years.

The Labor Government provided $30.4 million for waste and resource recovery in the Victorian Budget 2017/18.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Richard Wynne

“These plans will help us reduce the impact waste has on local communities, our economy and the environment.”

“We’re investing more than $30 million in waste and resource recovery now and putting in place solid plans for the future, to reduce landfill and the impact Victorians have on the environment.”