New System A Win For Loch Sport And The Gippsland Lakes

Sunday 28 February 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville today met with Loch Sport residents to mark the completion of a $40.3 million Gippsland Water project to connect the town to the sewerage network.

The project to connect Loch Sport – which is about 60 kilometres east of Sale - received more than $9 million in funding from the Victorian Government.

The four year construction by Gippsland Water will see more than 2,500 properties and lots connected to the sewerage network. The project means the replacement of older septic systems which had a history of leaking into the sensitive Gippsland Lakes environment.

The project has had tremendous support from Loch Sport residents, with 97% of the community signing up to the network immediately.

The high number of connections also reflects the work Gippsland Water has done to inform the community about the benefits of the project and to engage with them all the way through the planning and construction phases.

The project will provide added protection for the Gippsland Lakes as it will see water quality improve, thanks to reduced sewage spills from septic systems that were not designed for this type of environment.

Improved infrastructure for the town - such as this new connection to the sewerage network - supports the operation of local businesses, provides better infrastructure for holiday houses and represents a  significant investment in the future of Loch Sport.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“This is a project that all Victorians can be proud of, protecting the environment, investing in small communities and providing a sustainable outcome for the Gippsland Lakes and future generations.”

“The delivery of such a large and complex project by Gippsland Water, both on time and on budget is a significant achievement that will bring ongoing benefits to the local community and economy.

Quotes attributable to the Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“The Gippsland Lakes are a priceless natural highlight and this investment will protect them for future generations of Victorians.”

“This project adds to our local initiatives to maintain and improve the health of the Gippsland Lakes – including the appointment of the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee and funding of $2.5 million in this financial year.”