New Speed For Trucks On The Monash

Tuesday 23 August 2016

A new speed trial that will see trucks travel at 90km/h along a 10km section of the Monash Freeway commenced today.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan welcomed the start of the trial, which will run for 18 months between Huntingdale Road and Jacksons Road.

From today, motorists along this stretch of road are asked to pay attention to the new signs in place showing the change.

Reducing the speed of trucks will create greater distances between cars and trucks to reduce tailgating and allow cars to navigate more safely around trucks, reducing the likelihood of rear end and side swipe crashes.

A second trial phase involving banning trucks from the right hand lane in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the two measures together, will occur at a later date depending on the trial’s progress.

The Monash Freeway is a key arterial road carrying in excess of 200,000 vehicles per day.

Improving the interactions between cars and trucks along this important route will reduce crashes and delays, benefitting both motorists and the freight industry.

The trial’s focus will determine the effectiveness of reducing the speed limit for trucks to improve road safety and reduce the number of crashes involving cars and trucks.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Roads and Roads Safety Luke Donnellan

“Around 80 per cent of all crashes on the Monash are either rear end crashes or side swipe crashes – so we’re looking at innovative ways to make Victorian roads safer.”

“Reducing the speed of trucks on the Monash will only increase their travel time by one minute, but make it safer and boost the reliability of the freeway.”

Quotes attributable to Victorian Transport Association CEO Peter Anderson

“The Victorian Transport Association has a long history of working with governments and statutory authorities on initiatives that produce safety benefits for motorists and productivity gains for freight operators.”

“We support the Monash Speed Trial because we believe speed reductions here have the potential to create productivity and safety improvements for operators, which is good for business.”