New Portal Takes Clinical Trial Expertise To The World

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Victoria is set to strengthen its position as a global destination for clinical trials, with the launch of the Victorian Clinical Trials Gateway.

Victoria’s clinical trial sector has a reputation for speed, quality and cost-efficiency and is backed by highly skilled professionals and world-class institutions. The Gateway will make it easier for companies to access our world-class service providers, trial-ready infrastructure and talent.

This new portal will provide a single point of entry for international companies to connect with Victorian clinical trial sites, contract research organisations and professional services.

In addition to attracting global companies to Victoria, the Gateway will help local companies, particularly start-ups and small to medium enterprises, find the support and services they need to grow.

With global health care spending projected to grow by over four per cent annually, the Andrew Labor Government recognises the urgent need to attract medical innovation and investment to our state -- supporting St Vincent’s Hospital to develop the portal on behalf of the sector.

This digital hub will promote our industry strengths to a global audience and drive new opportunities for industry-sponsored trials and international partnerships, supported by the Labor Government’s network of business offices throughout the world.

Currently, around a thousand new clinical trials begin in Australia every year and more than a third of this activity happens in Victoria. Victorian researchers win around 40 per cent of Australian competitive medical research funding annually.

With more than 650 life sciences companies, 12 major medical research institutes, 10 teaching hospitals and nine universities across Victoria, the sector currently employs more than 23,000 people and generates more than $12 billion for the state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy Philip Dalidakis

Global companies are increasingly outsourcing clinical trials to Melbourne and this new portal will increase our competitive advantage.”

“Victoria is at the centre of Australian medical innovation. The new Victorian Clinical Trials Gateway will grow our role in bringing new life-saving medicines and health technologies to patients in Victoria and world-wide.”

“More clinical trials in Victoria means greater access to cutting edge medications and a growing health sector that creates more local jobs.”